Languages and Software

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Project Overview

Online Food Chef Website
Client: Big Nibbles
Role: Full-stack Developer Technologies Used: Next.js, TypeScript, React, Shopify, GraphQL


Developed a high-performance e-commerce website for an online food chef, integrating a seamless shopping and checkout experience using Shopify. Leveraged GraphQL for efficient data fetching and management.

Key Features

  1. Next.js, TypeScript, and React:
    - Implemented a modern, responsive frontend using Next.js and React, ensuring fast load times and smooth user interactions.
    - Utilized TypeScript for type safety and better code maintainability.
  2. Shopify Integration:
    - Integrated Shopify for handling the shopping cart and checkout process.
    - Customized Shopify to fit the client’s branding and functional requirements.
  3. GraphQL for Data Management:
    - Used GraphQL for all data queries, including adding items to the cart, searching for products, and retrieving metadata.
    - Enhanced performance by fetching only the necessary data, reducing the load on the server and client.
  4. SEO and Meta Data:
    - Implemented best SEO practices, including dynamic metadata generation for pages using GraphQL.
    - Ensured the site was fully optimized for search engines to attract more organic traffic.


Increased Sales: Achieved a significant increase in online sales for the client through an improved user experience and streamlined checkout process.
Positive Client Feedback: Received excellent feedback from the client regarding the website’s performance and usability.
Scalability: Built a scalable solution that can handle a growing inventory and customer base.

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Technical Details

  1. Frontend:
    - Next.js: Used for server-side rendering and static site generation to improve performance and SEO.
    - React: Created reusable components for various sections of the website, enhancing development efficiency and consistency.
    - TypeScript: Ensured robust code quality with type definitions and early error detection.
  2. Backend:
    - Shopify: Customized the Shopify backend to manage products, orders, and customer data efficiently.
    - GraphQL API: Created queries and mutations to interact with Shopify’s GraphQL API, ensuring real-time data synchronization.
  3. Deployment and Maintenance:
    - Deployed the site on a reliable hosting platform (e.g., Vercel) to ensure high availability and performance.
    - Set up continuous integration and deployment pipelines for seamless updates and maintenance.


This project exemplifies my ability to create complex, high-performing web applications that meet client needs and exceed their expectations. The successful integration of modern technologies and best practices resulted in a robust and scalable e-commerce solution.

Let's Chat!

If you’re looking to hire, have a question or want to book me for a consultation then get in touch with me at.

or book a slot with me on my calendly

Will Ellis